BHS/BUHS Athletic Hall of Fame Banquet
Nov. 2, 2024
Post 5 American Legion
5 p.m. Happy Hour, 6 PM Banquet
Tickets for the banquet are $35 per person. There will be tables of 8 or 6 if you want to come in a group to support an inductee. Mail ticket requests along with payment to:
BUHS Athletic Hall of Fame
PO Box 8018
Brattleboro, VT 05304-8018
Venmo and PayPal payments are also accepted. For information email: [email protected]
With your request, provide the following information: Do you want to reserve a table or tables? Name the people who will be sitting at your table or tables. Name of the student/athlete/team you are supporting
Inductees are given 3 complimentary tickets to be used at the inductees’ discretion. Put an email address in your ticket request so the HOF can notify you via email to confirm your ticket payment/reservation request.
Ticket Payment and reservations must be submitted by October 15, 2024.